Monday, March 10, 2008


Our oranges safe and sound at home

A few years ago, I was in the grocery store by myself and I was happily walking through with a bag of oranges (in the mesh plastic bags they put them in). I was holding it by one end and I was swinging it a little when all of the sudden one end broke open and set about 20 oranges free! Like a little orange bowling alley right down aisle 3!
So today, Carly and I were at Winn Dixie, when I was selecting a bag of oranges. I said, "Hey Carly, did I ever tell you about the time I was walking through the store swinging a bag of oranges like this, and....." You guessed it! The end opened up and they were gone! A few up under the fruit stand, a few off into the cheese counter and a few into the potted plants in the floral department. Carly let out a squeal and off we went. Like Easter....only hunting for oranges!
She and I were picking them up like we do it all the time just having a loud laugh per orange and noticed that people were watching and laughing right along with us. Carly said they were laughing at us but either way, we all got a good laugh. Great end to a good day.


Melissa said...

Very funny! Hey, what time were you at Winn Dixie? I did all of my shopping at Walmart today, got home ready to start dinner early and then realized I forgot to get the main ingredient. So, after I picked up Logan from school we went to WD to get the meat.

Shhh! Its me! :) said...

WD has the BEST meat!!!!! :)

Funny orange story! Are those Clementines...I love love love them!

Cindy said...

Mel - It was later this evening. Like around 7? Yeah, I've started doing more of my grocery type shopping at W/D. My ADHD tends to get me at Walmart and I forget things too.
Queen - They are actually Clementines. Mike likes them to snack on at work cause they peel easy and no seeds. So sweet!