Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Missing Carly

Ok - so Carly's at her Dad's and I'm missing her pretty bad. She's so much fun to have around, it's kinda weird when she's not here. BUT, I'm so thankful that she loves going to see him and spend time with them. She has a ton of fun when she's there, so I'm glad for that! I was missing her this morning, so I thought I'd post her pic so we could all miss her together! :)

If you get a chance, check out her blog so you can see what she's been up to! (she's on the blogroll)


RaeJean said...

I am missing her too! That pic of her is really pretty. Thanks for picking up Gabe tonight.

Love ya,

Cindy said...

I know. She's my angel! No problem with Gabe. Anytime. He's so amazing! All of your boys - love them like my own, so anytime!

carly said...

i love them too!!! hahaha!!! i miss yall you guys are like my mommy cru! but course mom is the leader, big momma, el presidente...yea how you like my spanish?! thank u mrs raejean! we had loads-o-fun takin those! i'll see yall soon! toodles!