Friday, February 22, 2008

Poet's Cafe'

Today, Carly was asked by one of her teachers, to present a poem that she wrote, at the school's "Poet Cafe'". She actually recited 2! One she did with her friends Katlyn and Deva. It was a tribute to Deva's Dad. He wrote the poem and being that he is from Cuba, it was in Spanish. The girls are amazing. They did such an awesome job. Then Carly recited a poem she wrote about the freedom of speech. I'm so proud of her! She never ceases to amaze me. I love Carly.


Amanda said...

I have just tagged you for a meme. I hope you can play. It's fun!

Melissa said...

I'm glad she did well on the Spanish poem. She was telling me about it the other night.