Tuesday, February 19, 2008

How Old Are You?

Had a little awakening yesterday. While waiting on the school bus, CJ asked, "Mom, have you ever seen Spongebob Squarepants?" I answered, "Yes, of course." He said, "No, I mean......in color. 'Cause like when you were little, I'm sure it was in black and white."
WHAT? Black and White? I didn't have the heart to tell him that Spongebob didn't even exist when I was little.

Anyway, the quiz was to name all the characters. You would be glad to know I named them all except for three that I had never heard of. I think he made them up.......anyway......now that I feel old...


Anonymous said...

Black and white.....hahaha that boy of yours! What about during Christmas when he decided you would like a pack of gum? ...I talked him into a gift card..a little higher up there..lol

love u

lynda Walker said...


Cindy said...

Hey Lynda. He's available for parties. Home spun fun....just let me know when and I'll ship him to ATL. love and miss....