Saturday, November 22, 2008

Me time....

Hunting season is officially here in South Louisiana, so I'm a widow each weekend. Mike left last night to hunt in Clinton. Last night I took the kids to the mall knowing today was a little "me time".
This morning, I met with the roofers and then got ready for my "me time". A friend was having a jewelry party, so I propped Carly up on the couch and made sure CJ was ready to jump when she called and I headed to the party. It was fun. So much fun that I booked a party myself, so you ladies watch out! We're having a party!!!
On my way home, I called to make sure Carly had not fallen over (which she had not!) and with her blessing, I went on to Walmart for some groceries. While there, the strangest thing happened. I'm standing there, picking out bananas and the lights went out! Crazy! I've never been there when there were no lights. It gets dark in produce!Then, a few lights came back on and "the voice" came on the speaker and said, "Attention Walmart shoppers....if you would like to complete your purchase, you must go now to the nearest register and check out. There power is out and the battery backup that runs the registers only lasts 30 minutes!" So off to register #9 I go! Well, me and about 150 other Walmart shoppers. I made my purchases, and of course forgot some things, but that was my "me time". I guess I'll try again next weekend.

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