Friday, April 18, 2008

Mission Mickey Mouse

So, on Tuesday, I brought in an old vacuum from the garage to clean out the air vent in our house. When I went to unwrap the cord, a mouse ran out of the vacuum and into CJ's room. Knowing this thing could mate with a Chewbacca action figure, setup house and live in CJ's room for years, I'm on a mission to track it down. Mike tried, I tried, Carly tried and even little CJ tried. Sam? Not so much.
Last sighting was Tuesday night in the hallway. CJ doesn't want the mouse harmed in any way, so instead of the traditional mouse trap that you set and it smacks them in half (hopefully), we opted for the more humane trap that they crawl into and the little mousie door closes behind and they can be taken outside and set free, (or stomped - whichever!)
So I call my BDad (the exterminator) and ask what is the best thing to bait the trap. Its peanut butter! So we are all baited and this mouse wants no part. So with no sightings since Tuesday, I'm guessing the thing is long gone on its own.....until this morning. Yep, Mike spots this Mickey imposter running up under the dresser in our bedroom! He goes on to work and leaves me with the role of "sniper". SO, I'm all set up in the bedroom and sure enough, he comes out! I kept my cool like any sniper mom would and BAM! I shot at it with CJ's pump BB gun. Only to miss the mouse and wound the base board leading into the bathroom. I'm still all set up and just waiting. The photo is of my sniper setup. I'm on a mission and I'll keep you posted.......


Melissa said...

That is way too funny. Someone needs to hang out with to take a photo of you trying to snipe the thing out.

Brian Lucio said...

You are my hero!!! I would be standing on something screaming!!!

When you shoot it, let's have it stuffed and you can hang it on the wall like all the men do with their prizes!!

Season Broussard said...

You are too much! LOL