Monday, February 25, 2008

CJ and I talk about God

While riding in the car the other day CJ and I had the following conversation.....
CJ: Mom, you can ask me whatever you want about God. I know everything about Him.
Me: OK. What kind of ice cream does God like?
CJ: He doesn't eat ice cream.
Me: Why not?
CJ: Because he's God! It just wouldn't look right.
Me: Ok, so what does God drive?
CJ: He doesn't! He has someone drive for Him.
Me: What is his favorite food?
CJ: Veggies. He loves all animals so he's a vegetarian.
Me: Does God go to church?
CJ: Um, God IS church!
Me: But he doesn't attend church on Sunday?
CJ: Well, sometimes, but only when he's invited.
(there's a revelation!!)
Me: What does God look like?
CJ: Like Mr. JP (Brumfield) except God doesn't work out as much as Mr. JP.
Me: Why doesn't God work out?
CJ: He doesn't need to. He has the Holy Spirit to fight his battles!
The things we learn from our children!
To see what God looks like in CJ's mind, go to


Shhh! Its me! :) said...

Coolman CJ!!! What a honey he is! So nice to know a true blue God-expert!!! You never know when that will come in handy.

Melissa said...

He is so stinkin' funny! I love it that his humor comes out even when he doesn't mean for it to. He is too smart for his own good.

Claire said...

Hey Miss Cindy. Thanks for adding me on your blogroll.


danohlerking said...

that's awesome.

The Core/Old School said...

Jp does not work out!!! I'm so sure!!! Hahahahaha!!! Cj is for reals the man. I've got some questions I'd like to ask later if that's ok!!

Cindy said...

Fine with me. Ask at your own risk keeping in mind...he's going to answer you! Don't ask something you are not prepared to hear the answer to! :)